Graham Beck | Philanthropy

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Committed to providing a better tomorrow for all

It has always been the Beck Family’s passion to safeguard the health and welfare of the community, along with conserving our precious natural heritage. Inspired by the generous and pioneering spirit of the estate’s founder, Graham Beck, this vision has as its focus the assurance that quality and integrity go hand in hand.

Our involvement in ground-breaking strategies to educate and empower not only those within the Graham Beck team and their families, but in our wider communities, is an investment in future growth and sustainability. Personal enrichment of employees is a crucial component of the company’s social philosophy. Our aim is to fulfil their needs in a practical way and equip our local communities with the skills to achieve meaningful change.

All these philanthropic activities are conducted by an independent philanthropic trust, The Graham & Rhona Beck Development Trust (GRBDT), which focus within the Robertson area. This trust was established by the Beck family to the benefit of the employees and the wider communities surrounding the Graham Beck Estate.

The GRBDT has, throughout the years, contributed significantly to the sustainable socio-economic development and well-being of those within the Langeberg Municipal region in the areas of education and skills development, sport and recreation as well as health and welfare requirements.



Early Childhood Development: Crèche and Aftercare, Generic Management Learnership, Bursaries, Youth Development

We have identified opportunities in education and skills development for the benefit of children of all ages from Early Childhood Development, pre-primary schools, primary schools and high schools, as well as adult education in the form of bursaries and skills development initiatives. The aim of the early childhood development initiatives are to provide support services to working parents, reduce the risks of child neglect and abuse, ensure that the children’s basic needs are being met and assist in the development of the child’s creative, social, emotional, and physical stimulation.

Crèche: Six staff members including a cook are responsible for the daily supervision of 42 children of permanent workers between the ages of three and six years. Three meals and a snack are given. The crèche has a set program and does stimulation exercises with the babies.

Aftercare: Five teachers are responsible for after care activities and learning for 103 children between the ages of 5 -13 years. Daily meals are provided to all the children of the aftercare.

The Anna Foundation project has been part of Skills Development in the aftercare since September 2012 on the farm. Their goal is to inspire young children by introducing them to the 3R’s Programme; Reading, Running and Righting. The programme is based on a philosophy of holistic development and a belief in Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.

Bursary Schemes
Primary and Secondary Education The Graham Beck Education Trust financially assists children of all the employees of Graham Beck Enterprises with school fees which includes hostel fees as well as a school bus service to take children from the farm to the school and back on a daily basis. Bursaries are furthermore provided for studies at Bridge House Private School.

Tertiary Education

The objective of the Graham Beck Education Trust is to recruit and select bursars for full time study at accredited Tertiary Institutions. The Trust seeks to attract talented youth from our community to acquire the appropriate skills, knowledge and qualifications and full-time bursaries are awarded annually according to the employment needs of the company and the community we serve. All our full-time students are viewed as potential employees – depending on vacancies being available after successfully completing their qualifications. The comprehensive bursary for tertiary education covers the following:

  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation, travelling and meals
  • Textbook Allowance



The GRBDT supports the development of the youth through the participation in constructive and creative activities associated with sports, in order to develop potential in a particular skill, improve and increase self-esteem, constructively utilize leisure time and promote problem-solving methods.

Sports currently being developed at Graham Beck Enterprises are soccer, rugby, dominoes and netball.


The GRBDT views music as an integral part of youth development. Skills learned through the discipline of music, transfer to study skills, communication skills, and cognitive skills useful in every part of the curriculum. Studying music encourages self-discipline and diligence, traits that carry over into intellectual pursuits and lead to effective study and work habits.

The Graham and Rhona Beck Music School opened in July 2011 with an initial intake of nine children. Today we have a full teaching schedule which operates five days a week after normal school hours. Music tuition has shown to help with discipline, motivation and a sense of belonging. The music school children take part in the Trinity Rock and Pop exams - London to provide them with an academic qualification, which they can build on if they wish to study further in the field of music.


Graham Beck continues to invest in health promotion, job creation and the eradication of poverty. Community safety programmes that foster the elimination of substance abuse, Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and teenage pregnancies are undertaken, and parenting skills are facilitated.

SENIOR CITIZENS - The social importance of the elderly in family life cannot be underestimated. Their participation should therefore be encouraged and developed. Events are held throughout the year for the elderly, where transport and financial aid is provided by the GRBDT. Health workers conduct regular home visits and attend to basic hygiene and clinic schedules for the aged people of Graham Beck Enterprises

The WOMAN’S PROJECT is specifically aimed at helping women to understand their role and function not just in the family, but also in the community as a whole, and to discover their unique life purpose as well as strengthen relationships between parents and children.

This project assists with basic needs amongst the more vulnerable members of the community, providing clothing, bedding, assistance with access to government benefits and applying for disability benefits. There is also hunger relief in the form of food hampers, hot meals and soup kitchens.

A wide range of initiatives involving positive parenting and encouraging healthy communication between family members is provided to support the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of children from infancy to adulthood.

Social work related activities focus on improving the lives of individuals, groups, communities and society as a whole. Some of the activities related to this initiative involve therapeutic counseling for individuals and families. Together with The Department of Welfare the focus is on linkages and possible placements in institutions with regards to family violence, children with behavior problems and children with learning disabilities.

Other projects we fund in the wider Robertson community are as follows:

  1. LSAAG – Substance Abuse Action Group. Our representatives were invited to speak at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria. We are their sole funder and helped establish this initiative.
  2. Wilderness Foundation – youth development programme.
  3. Robertson Christian Logos School – 24 Bursaries are provided.
  4. Robertson Brass Band – to keep the youth off the streets and away from drugs.
  5. Ad Libitum Music Academy – a music school in Robertson (this is in addition to the Graham and Rhona Beck Music School on our farm).
  6. C.A.M.P – A programme working with local men to mentor them to be better fathers, boyfriends and brothers.

The long-term goal of the Beck Family to uplift and enrich peoples’ lives is a powerful legacy which continues to inspire and guide us today.

Celebrate What Matters


Graham Beck supports the responsible consumption of alcohol

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